Set up Gmail IMAP

Configure Gmail for IMAP on Storm
Toko Bunga | Blog Info

  1. In your Gmail account: Goto Settings then Forwarding and POP/IMAP. Disable POP and enable IMAP. Save Changes.
  2. Using a web browser on your computer goto Verizon's BIS site: BlackBerry Internet Service (MUST do on a computer browser) and logon.
  3. If you cant logon to BIS, call VZW data technical support for blackberry so they can set up an account for you, or you can try to do it manually on your phone by going to ..BB Menu > Setup > Email Settings.
  4. If you already have your Gmail account setup in BIS, delete it now.
  5. Click on Add An Email Account.
  6. Enter your full email address (including '' or '')
  7. Some say you MUST enter a password, BUT you need to enter the WRONG password, and other have had success leaving the password field blank. Try either one till you receive the error noted in the next step.
  8. You'll see a screen that says 'We were unable to configure [moc.liamg|emanresu#moc.liamg|emanresu].' Select I will provide the settings to add this email account, then Next.
  9. Select Internet Service Provider Email (POP/IMAP), then Next.
  10. You'll see 'The BlackBerry Internet Service could not configure [moc.liamg|emanresu#moc.liamg|emanresu] email account.' Select Provide The Settings to continue.
  11. In the 'User name:' field, enter your full email address (including ''). Google Apps users, please enter your full email address at your domain. Then enter your password in the 'Password:' field.
  12. In the 'Email server:' field, enter ',' then select Next. Google Apps users should enter the server name provided; don't add your domain name in this step.
  13. If IMAP access was successfully configured, select OK.
  14. Below your newly added Gmail address, select Edit.
  15. Select Advanced Settings at the bottom.
  16. Make sure the port is set to '993' and 'Use SSL' is set to 'Yes.'
  17. Select Save.
    • *Note: You may get an error saying; "An error occurred during account validation…" Here is a fix to it: follow this link and complete Captcha test, after that you should be able to finish setting up your IMAP account on BIS.

There should now be a new mailbox icon on your BlackBerry home screen labeled with your Gmail address. Once you see this icon, follow these steps to ensure proper configuration:

  1. Open the mailbox icon.
  2. Open the menu by pressing the BlackBerry menu button, then select Options.
  3. Select Email Reconciliation.
  4. Confirm the following settings:
  5. Delete On: Mailbox & Handheld
  6. Wireless Reconcile: On
  7. On Conflicts: Mailbox Wins
  8. Select Save.

If you prefer not to receive Delivery Confirmations in your Gmail account:

  1. Open the mailbox icon.
  2. Open the menu by pressing the BlackBerry menu button, then select Options.
  3. Select Email Settings.
  4. Change Confirm Delivery to No.

I had problems using the above directions. The following directions worked for me:
After making sure Gmail is set with IMAP enabled in your Gmail settings,
On the blackberry, Select the Email Settings Icon and sign in.
Select the ADD button.
do NOT select Gmail. Instead, select OTHER.
in the Email Address.. fill in a bogus email address (like moc.b|a#moc.b|a)
in the Password field, fill in anything for a password
Click Next.
You'll see a screen that says 'We were unable to configure…" Select I will provide the settings to add this email account, then Next.
Select Personal Email, then Next.
In the 'Email Address:' field, enter your full email address (including '').
In the 'User Name:' Field, enter the portion of your email address before the "@" (i.e. don't include the
Then enter your password in the 'Password:' field.
In the 'Email server:' field, enter ',' then select Next.
Click Next.
You'll see "processing, please wait…" while it sets things up.
If IMAP access was successfully configured, select OK.
You'll be brought back to the page showing your accounts. Select your Gmail account.
scroll down, Fill in 'your name:' with how you want your name displayed. .
check the box for synchronise deleted items between…

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